If you’ve invested in the finest cigars the last thing you want is for them to be crushed in a pocket while on the move. Davidoff’s XL-2 Cigar Case is made in Spain using soft and supple cowhide leather and provides protection for two cigars of up to 60-ring gauge. This exquisite accessory has been finished with an innovative laser-marked technique creating a contemporary pattern guaranteed to complement your outfit and luggage.
- Dimensions: 160mm x 85mm x 30mm
- Colour: Black
- Pattern: Leaf
Davidoff is one of the most respected names in the world of handcrafted cigars. Zino Davidoff was born into a tobacconist family in Kiev in 1906. His sense of adventure and desire to fill time with pleasure lives on in the brand’s ethos to this day.
SKU No.: 4010316
Style No.: 943144